Countdown! 6 days until we leave!!!

SIX days until we get on an airplane to go and meet precious Mohale!!!!!
I want to post on this journal blog-  Baby J saw Mohale’s pic on Leora’s cell phone and exclaimed “Hah-lay!!!!”  Baby J rarely talks- but he knows and spoke Mohale’s name when he saw Mohale’s photograph!
His (and my) favorite video is the one our agency took of Mohale last March.
(Im praying for and expecting a sweet relationship between our two miracle boys.)
Also, I want to share:  Laura designed these shirts for our family. 
The words to the song “Jesus loves the little children of the world” are written on the continents.
Baby J today “modeling” his new shirt!
Laura made one for each of us including Mohale!
Here is a link to her store to view her many awesome designs:
6 days and a few hours until we leave!!!!

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